What is EFT?
EFT tapping, also known as Emotional Freedom Techniques, is a therapeutic technique that combines elements of traditional Chinese medicine and psychology. It involves tapping on specific acupressure points on the body while focusing on a specific issue or problem. It is an evidence based tool with much research behind it.
It is a tool used for managing emotional distress, reducing anxiety, and addressing various psychological issues. There is lots of research showing effectiveness around body image issues, weight control and addictive behaviours
How to Tap
There are nine tapping points in total. You can use one or two fingers for tapping.
The first point is at the start of your eyebrow, just above the bridge of your nose. (You can tap either eyebrow or use both hands to tap both)
The next point is at the bone located at the outer corner of your eye. Once again either side or use both hands for both.
Next is the bone underneath your eye in line with your pupil. (one or both again)
Next is the area between your nose and your lips. Let your tongue drop and relax on the base of your mouth.
Next is the chin. When tapping here, do a little grin - Grin at the chin.
Then onto the collarbone. (use one or tow hands)
Then brush along each fingernail of each of your fingers and thumb on either hand.
The next is a a karate chop movement located on the fleshly part of the outer edge of your hand, between the wrist and base of the little finger.
Lastly, the crown of your head.
When you check out tapping online you may come across an underarm tapping point which is located four inches below your armpit, along the bra line for women or at the nipple line for men. We choose to use the finger tapping - the reason for this is so whenever you are out and about you will be able to use your finger tapping and your brain will automatically connect it to a full round of tapping and giving you the same benefits. We also find that finger tapping is more discrete meaning a lot more people would feel more comfortable doing it in public areas such as your work desk, the bus etc.